Sunday, September 17, 2006

"Thanks" for the badgering

OK, so it's been over six months since my last post. For those that think I've been slacking off, let me recap.

I visited Belfast and the Northern coast of Ireland with K.

I traveled to Paris and enjoyed the multi-sensory experience that is "Musée des égouts de Paris" or "The Museum of Paris Sewers."

I spent a weekend in Berlin…

…and another in Heidelberg.

I watched Korea beat Togo in the first round of the World Cup (alas, they did not advance).

I sweated though three days in Rome and the Vatican. In a small bar a few blocks from the Coliseum I also watched the US-Italy World Cup match in which the US forced a tie. This is the only match the Italians did not win!

I thought it would be cooler to spend sometime "Up North" so I spent my long Independence Day weekend in Stockholm and the Stockholm Archipelago. It turned out to be in the mid 30's C (low 90's F).

I did get a laugh out of my hotel key card, though…

So that's the update for the last few months. My family visited in August. Some more on that soon.


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